Order Management

  • Select the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then click on Orders.  A window will open containing two tabs: Order List and Order Search. This screen will allow you to:

The Order List

  • Select the Order List tab to get a list of the orders placed within the day.

  • To view comprehensive order details, simply click on an order record in the table, a window will then open with a comprehensive list of order details.

Amending or canceling an order

  1. Navigate to the Order List tab (as stated above).
  2. Right-click on the order immediately, and press 'Amend Order' or 'Cancel Order'.

Please Note: These steps would only work if the right-click action is performed within a few seconds after submitting an order before its status changes to 'Filled'.

  • If the Amend Order option is clicked within a few moments after the order was submitted, certain fields of the order ticket may be amended and resubmitted.

    • Please note however that the amendments (i.e. quantity or price updates) would apply only to the unfilled section/portion of the order. The unfilled portion of the order is the section of an order which hasn't yet been executed by the exchange. (Read more on Order Statuses).

    • The order type field can only be changed from a market order to a limit order or vice versa. Changes to order types such as Stop, or Stop Limit are not permitted when amending an order. 

  • If the Cancel Order option is clicked within a few moments after the order was submitted, the order may be canceled.
    • Please note however that only the unfilled section of the order can be canceled. (Read more on Order Statuses)

Filtering the Order List

The application allows you to filter orders based on certain criteria (this is useful when trying to manage multiple orders).

For more comprehensive searching of orders, see section on Order Search.

Select your preferred filter criteria to filter the order list.

  • The Order list can be filtered based on the following criterion.

    • Portfolio – This refers to the portfolio to which the order belongs to. 

    • Status – This list will show the status of orders the user has placed on a trading day. Once the user places an order –  the order is validated and sent to the Order Management System. During this time, the order will proceed to follow the following statuses depending on the symbol its availability.

    • Side – This column indicates whether the order occurred on the buy or sell side.

    • Exchange – This refers to the exchange to which the traded symbols belong to.

    • Symbol – The order list can be filtered according to the symbol traded (i.e. to show all trades for a particular symbol).

    • Instrument Type – This refers to the type of security that was traded with the app.

      • Equity
      • CFD
      • Funds
      • Futures
      • Options
      • Spots
      • Bonds/ Sukuk
      • Investment Strategies

Maximize & Minimize widget - Click Maximize at the top right-hand corner of the widget to maximize the screen. To Minimize and go back to the original size, click minimize   on the bottom right-hand corner of the full screen.