Account Details

  • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Account Details.

Account Summary

  • The Account Summary tab presents you with a detailed graphical breakdown/ analysis of your cash account. The information displayed in the Account Summary is updated in real-time as you perform trades via the app. 

  • When a buy order is placed, the system will block the value of the order from the cash account. This will be reflected in the Pending Amount (Withdrawals and Orders).
    • Once the order is filled the blocked amount will become zero.

  • When a sell order is placed, the order value is reflected as Unsettled Sales, and once the order is filled the Cash Balance is updated.

The following information will be displayed in the Account Summary Window.



    • Cash Available for Withdrawal – The cash amount available for withdrawal.
    • Unsettled Sales – The unsettled amount of the sell orders placed.
    • Cash Balance – The cumulative value of your cash account.
    • Pending Amount (Withdrawals and Orders) – The amount blocked when placing the buy orders, pending cash withdrawals, etc.
    • OD Limit – This represents  the limit of the overdraft amount that can be withdrawn.
    • Holdings Market Value – This represents the total market value of all your holdings (i.e. stocks and other securities).
    • Account Net Worth – The amount available in your cash account once the liabilities are subtracted.
    • Buying Power – The amount of cash available (within a portfolio) to buy stocks with.
    • Unrealized Gain/Loss – This metric represents the profit or loss that resulted as a result of trading activity until the present day.

Account Statements

Switching to the Account Statement tab, allows you to download a statement containing your cash deposits, withdrawal details, and portfolio details for a certain month.


To get a report of the Account Statements:

    • Select the desired portfolio, the statement type: Cash or Holding, and the month.

    • Click on Download.