Chart Settings

  • Click on the icon in the top right corner of the chart window to access chart settings.

Symbol Settings

  • Color bars based on Previous Close
    • Selecting this checkbox will change the colors of the candlesticks based on the stock’s previous close value (i.e. positive or negative).

  • Color sections: Select a preferred color scheme from the color picker for the following chart elements.
    • Body 
    • Borders
    • Wick (of candlestick)
    • Last price line

  • High and low price lines
    • This checkbox controls whether the high and low price lines for the selected symbol are displayed as an overlay on the chart.

  • Precision
    • Choose how precise (accurate) you want the chart values to be from the dropdown. This setting will also change the overall pattern of the graph.
  • Timezone
    • This setting refers to the timezone that is displayed at the bottom of the chart view. Select a preferred timezone from the dropdown. By default, the timezone is set to the time of the exchange of the selected symbol.

Status Line

  • Title
  • OHLC values
    • This checkbox controls whether the OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) values for the selected symbol are displayed at the top of the chart view.

  • Bar Change Values
  • Volume
  • Background

Scale Settings

  • Symbol Name
  • Symbol Last Price 
  • High and low price 
  • No Overlapping
  • Countdown To Bar Close
  • Plus button
  • Currency
  • Scale models
  • Lock Price To Bar Ratio
  • Scales Placement
  • Date Format
  • Time hours format


  • Background
  • Vert Grid Lines
  • Horz Grid Lines
  • Crosshair 
  • Watermark
  • Scales Text
  • Scales Lines
  • Navigation Buttons
  • Pane Buttons
  • Top Margin
  • Bottom Margin
  • Right Margin