Chart Drawing Toolbar

Crosshair selector

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the crosshair tool.


    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the trendline tool.

Fib Retracement 

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the pitchfork tool.

Brush tool

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the brush tool.

Text tool

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the text tool.

Pattern tool

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the pattern tool.

Long Position

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the long position tool.

Smiley tool

    • Use this tool to add a smiley emoticon to any area of the chart.

Measure tool

    • Tap on this tool to measure the distance (in bars) between two points in time within the chart. Click on a starting point and then click on an endpoint to get the final result indicating the number of bars between the two points. 

Zoom in tool

    • Use this button to zoom in to a particular section of the chart/ graph. 

Magnet Tool

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the Magnet tool.

    • This will have the effect of making the cursor quickly snap to the price points in the chart. This is useful when drawing Fibonacci retracement for instance.
    • The Strong Magnet button will pull multiple drawing points to the chart values despite the gap between these points.
    • The Weak Magnet button will pull drawing points to chart values (bars) when you draw near them.

Stay in Drawing Mode

    • Use this tool to stay within the drawing mode of the charts panel.
    • This is useful in a situation where for instance, if you're already using a drawing tool and wish to continue using it even after multiple drawings have already been added, without having to reselect the tool each time. 
    • For instance, assume you wish to draw multiple vertical lines on a chart, staying within drawing mode will essentially keep the line tool in a selected state until you're done using it. You do not have to reselect the line tool for each line you wish to draw when 'Stay in Drawing Mode' is enabled.

Lock Drawings

    • Use this button to prevent modifications to the existing drawings by holding them in a constant or "locked" state. 

Hide Drawings

    • Use this to view the chart illustration in isolation without the drawings that have been added.

  Remove/ Delete

    • Access more tools by clicking the icon next to the delete tool.

    • Click on the preferred delete option from the following:
      • Remove Drawings: Removes all chart drawings
      • Remove Indicators: Removes all indicator overlays added to the chart
      • Remove Drawings & Indicators: Removes drawings and overlays added to the chart.