
The Requests tab deals with the payment-related functions of the app enabling you to deposit, withdraw or transfer cash.

To access Requests:

    • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Requests.
    • Select the desired tab (withdrawals, deposit, transfer) according to your required function.

To deposit cash to your account:

    • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Requests.
    • Select the Deposits tab.
    • Enter details in the required fields.
    • Once you enter the details, provide the trading password to authenticate your action.
    • Click on Deposit.

To withdraw cash from your account:

    • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Requests.
    • Select the Withdrawals tab.
    • Enter necessary details in the given fields.
    • Once you enter the details, provide the trading password to authenticate your action.
    • Click on Withdraw.

To perform Currency Conversions:

    • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Requests.
    • Select the Currency Conversions tab.
    • Enter necessary details in the given fields.
    • Provide the trading password to authenticate your action.
    • Click on Submit. (Additionally, you can reset the given details).

To Request History:

    • Click on the Trading Account tab from the side menu, then select Requests.
    • Select the Request History tab.
    • Select a Portfolio, Duration and Transaction Type.
    • Click on Search.

To view Recurring payments:

  • Select the Recurring Payments tab.
  • This tab will not be visible if there are no recurring payments available. It will be visible once you activated recurring payments.
  • By clicking on the icon, you can view all the historical payments related to that specific ticker .
  • Click on the icon, if you wish to delete the record.